Spread Kindness Free Teaching Resources #kindnessnation #weholdthesetruths

Free Resources on TeachersPayTeachers to Promote Kindness, Empathy, and Civics

As a new president is ushered into the White House today, Americans will be feeling a wide range of emotions. So will our students. It's important to help them adjust to this change in leadership in the most positive way we know how: by emphasizing the values and character traits we have always taught and modeled.

To help teachers everywhere, a group of TeachersPayTeachers sellers are offering resources FREE (most of them will be free forever) to help teach and model traits such as kindness, empathy, and civics. 

You can find these resources by searching TeachersPayTeachers using the hashtags:


Here are my free products (ALL will be forever freebies):

Free Kindness Quote Writing prompt #KindnessNation

I will be adding more from my fellow TpT sellers over the weekend, as well, so make sure to stop back to get those freebies. Here are some to get you started:

From my favorite font artist, Kimberly Geswein:

Special thanks to Jillian Starr who created the top image for TeachersPayTeachers. You can visit her blog here: www.starrspangledplanner.com.

New Year TeachersPayTeachers Giveaway

New Year TeachersPayTeachers Giveaway www.traceeorman.com

Our four winners (via Random.org) are: J'Marie Jones, Meg Peitzmeier, Renea Canales, and Lindsey Knight
I will be contacting you shortly with your gift cards. :)

Happy New Year! I'd like to take a moment to express my appreciation to the folks at TeachersPayTeachers, as well as to you, my fellow teachers. Without all of you, I probably wouldn't be writing this blog, I definitely wouldn't be sharing my resources with teachers around the world, or donating to so many charities, to our school and students, and to my fellow teachers via DonorsChoose.org and various giveaways. For this ability to give back to so many, especially, I am extremely grateful.

In addition, I am thankful for my family, friends, and colleagues. After losing both of my parents within the past two years, I have a new outlook on what is truly important in life and these people mean more to me than anything else. 💕

New Year 2017 Giveaway TeachersPayTeachers Gift Cards www.traceeorman.comSHARING OUR GRATITUDE
TeachersPayTeachers was generous enough to send me two $25 gift cards to give away to my followers. In the spirit of giving, I purchased two additional $25 gift cards so FOUR teachers could each win one. We want you to know that we truly appreciate each and every one of you.

TO ENTER, FOLLOW THIS ONE STEP: Comment below with what you are thankful for. (Click on the "Add Comment" box.) I do use Google+ comments; however, if you do not have a Google+ account, you can comment using a number of alternative accounts. If you are posting anonymously, please leave an email address in case you are chosen as the winner. Otherwise, I will have no way to contact you.

This giveaway will run until 9 p.m. (Central) on Wednesday, Jan. 4th. The four winners of the $25 TpT Gift Cards will be chosen at random using a third-party generator. Please, please make sure I will be able to contact you Wednesday night. If I am unable to message you, I will have to choose another winner.

Thanks, again, for all your support and patronage over the past seven years. I realize that I have not written as much in the past couple of years because of demands on my time in my personal life, so the fact that you still visit my blog truly amazes and heartens me.

I can't wait to read your comments. Thanks, in advance, for sharing what you are thankful for.