Mrs. Orman's Classroom
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Favorite iPad Apps for Middle and High School: Notability
Notability: A Favorite App for Middle and High School Classrooms As our school transitioned to iPads this year, I've had the op...
Laptop or Tablet? Transitioning from MacBookPros to iPads (and the frustrations of using Google Classroom)
Laptop or Tablet? Transitioning from MacBookPros to iPads and the Frustrations of Using Google Classroom For almost seven years my sc...
Using Bell Ringers and Exit Slips for Quick Assessments
Implementing the Common Core State Standards does not have to be a difficult chore for teachers. There are many ways you can quickl...
Common Core Argument Writing
Implementing the Common Core State Standards doesn't have to be difficult, though many teachers may be intimidated by the lang...
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