Mrs. Orman's Classroom
Resources, activities, and lessons from a high school English/Language Arts Teacher.
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Teaching Resources
Are you ready for the release of Allegiant (Book 3 of the Divergent series)?
Just in case you've forgotten: Allegiant , the third and final book of Veronica Roth's Divergent series, comes out Tuesday...
Common Core Skill: Show Evidence From the Text
One of the most important reading and writing skills students should practice is showing evidence from the text to support their ans...
What #MakesMyDay - The Positives of Teaching
Yesterday I blogged about #TeacherProblems , so today I wanted to balance it with the positive side of teaching: things that make ou...
#TeacherProblems Humorous Memes Unite Teachers
It's that time of year: parent/teacher conferences are coming up, first quarter grades are due, students are taking fall standar...
Tomorrow is Friday.
Tomorrow is Friday. This summarizes the week for me. How about you?
Pre-Reading Activity for "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury
My students are currently reading various short stories. One of them is Bradbury's "There Will Come Soft Rains." Bef...
Argument Essay Writing Claims
Students often struggle to find meaningful argument topics (or claims) for their formal essays. Not only do they get tired of writin...
Stock Up for School
It's that time of year again! The huge back-to-school TpT sale is going on. I have all my items marked 20% off. THEN, you can use th...
What Do Your Students Love?
What do your students love? Many of mine are in to A&E's Duck Dynasty , so I made a sign for outside my room featuring the l...
Elementary vs. High School Teachers: Who has the tougher job?
When it comes to teaching, it's hard to compare jobs with other teachers because each level is unique. And it's probably not...
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