#TeacherProblems Humorous Memes Unite Teachers

#TeacherProblems - About that curriculum map... Read more on www.traceeorman.com

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It's that time of year: parent/teacher conferences are coming up, first quarter grades are due, students are taking fall standardized assessments, and teachers are stressed out! We have so much to do but little time to do it. Our work weeks exceed 50 hours (are probably more like 60-hour weeks) and even though we KNOW this is the trade-off for getting a summer vacation, it's still stressful and frustrating.

To help relieve tension, many teachers turn to humor, making light of the stress with funny memes. It's one way to help us feel united, as though we aren't the only one who is frazzled and exhausted after just six weeks into the new school year. #TeacherProblems is there to let you know you are NOT alone.
#TeacherProblems - Post due date on board... Read more on www.traceeorman.com

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#TeacherProblems - By the time you finish grading... Read more on www.traceeorman.com

But for good measure (and because it's too easy to focus on the negative and neglect the positive), tomorrow I will post about the GREAT things about teaching and what #MakesMyDay!

#MakesMyDay - Check back tomorrow for a great post on staying positive. www.traceeorman.com
Tomorrow's Post: What #MakesMyDay as a Teacher

For more teacher humor, visit the following links:
Classroom Humor on Pinterest
#TeacherProblems on Twitter
#TeacherProblems on Pinterest (Let me know if you would like to be added to this group board by leaving your Pinterest link in the comments.)

#TeacherProblems on Pinterest  http://www.pinterest.com/mrsorman/teacherproblems/

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