Using Holiday Ads in the Classroom

Using Holiday Ads in the Classroom

During the holidays, advertisers ramp up their advertising, luring buyers to their stores. They'll use colorful, vivid words to snag new customers, which actually works in YOUR favor, English teachers! You can use their ads to teach a number of lessons.

Using Holiday Ads in the Classroom

1. CHANCE (or DADA) POEMS: Cut up the words and use them for an impromptu poetry writing session. I like to store the words in little plastic baggies and use them when we have time left at the end of the period. I'll have students work in groups and prompt them to create a poem based on the lesson we just practiced (or the book/story/character we are reading). Or if there is a fun event coming up (a holiday, a dance, etc.), have them create a poem related to the event. Give them a limited time to create a poem, then have each group share with the class.

Using Holiday Ads in the Classroom

Writing chance poems with newspaper ads

2. PARTS OF SPEECH REVIEW: Have students cut out the words themselves*, only with a twist--require students to find an example of each part of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection). You can make it a contest and see who can come up with the most (and the most interesting). *If the words are already cut out, they can just each take a baggie full and sort them by part of speech.

3. REVIEW IDIOMS AND CLICHÉS: Ads are perfect for containing overused idioms and clichés. Introduce and/or review the figurative phrases with your students. Have them find their own in the ads, old magazines, or in newspaper headlines.

Review Idioms and Clichés with Holiday Ads

4. ANALYZE THE MERIT OF MARKETING: Have students look over the ads, analyzing the marketing techniques used, including the word choices and design/aesthetics (colors, font, and placement of words and products on the page). Which phrases stood out to them? Which did they pay little attention to? Were others more effective? Why?

5. ANALYZE TARGET AUDIENCES: As students look over the ads, ask them to evaluate who might the target audience be for the ad. How did they come to that conclusion? Which words and/or phrases did they use as clues? Do the ads stereotype?

I've been using ads and newspapers in my classroom for years. If you do not have access to a newspaper or magazines, check with your media specialist to see if she/he has older copies that can be saved for you. Also, your school may be eligible for Newspapers in Education. It's a wonderful program that supplies classrooms with copies of newspapers, which are paid for by donations from local businesses.

My Magnetic Poetry Kit is also an option for activities #1 and #2 if you don't have access to newspapers or magazines.

You can keep collecting the ads through the spring: Valentine's Day ads are perfect for love-inspired poems; there's also President's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and so on... Each holiday will offer different flavors of language to suit the occasion.

Use holiday ads in the English/Language Arts classroom

COMING SOON: Handouts for each of these activities, which will be included in my POETRY BUNDLE (a bundle of ALL of my poetry-related resources...past, present, and future!)

Poetry bundle: A growing bundle of all my poetry resources

Using Holiday Ads in the Classroom

Using Holiday Ads in the Classroom

Wonder Movie Compare/Contrast Activities

Wonder Book and Movie Compare and Contrast Activities

Now that the movie version of R.J. Palacio's bestseller Wonder is out, your students can practice great critical-thinking skills comparing the novel to its theatrical rendition.

The seventh Common Core anchor reading standard (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.7) asks students to "Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words." The movie version, of course, is the visual depiction of the text, so it's a perfect opportunity to practice this skill in your classroom.

• Before seeing the movie, have your students describe how they envision the characters in their minds from the evidence given in the text. For example, we know Jack's character has curly blonde hair from Justin's description of him on page 187. Then, after they see the movie, have them describe what Jack looked like in the movie. How did his depiction differ? 

Wonder book and movie character compare contrast activities

• Have your students write which scenes/events from the novel they hope to see portrayed in the movie. For example, one student may hope the movie shows the story of Auggie's birth, including the farting nurse. Another student may hope to see Via and Justin acting in "Our Town," while another student may want to see Henry, Miles, and Amos saving Auggie and Jack from the seventh graders at camp. After the movie, have them reflect on how these scenes were represented in the movie (or if they even made the cut). 

Wonder book and movie scenes compare contrast activities

• Sometimes certain events from the book cannot logistically happen in a movie so they may be changed completely into a whole new scene that didn't happen in the book. After seeing the movie, have your students write about their favorite movie "additions"--the scenes that were never in the book, but were in the movie. Ask them how it enhanced or changed the way they "saw" the story from the book. Did it make it better? Worse? 

Additional activities for specific grade levels:  

Fourth Grade (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.7):
Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.

• Have students write a list of their favorite quotes from the novel. They can also reflect on WHY those quotes are important to them. 

• After seeing the movie, have them reflect on those quotes and whether they were included in the movie. For those that were omitted, did it change the way they felt about the story? For those that were included, did it enhance the meaning of the quote when they saw/heard it in the movie? 

Wonder book and movie favorite quotes activities

Fifth Grade (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.7):
Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).

• The quote activities for Fourth grade work very well for the Fifth-grade standard, as well--especially reflecting on if and how it enhanced the meaning of the text when they saw/heard it in the movie.

• In addition, your students can evaluate the scenes from the book that did NOT make the cut in the movie. How did their absence affect the story? Were there any scenes deleted that they thought should have been in the movie? 

Wonder book and movie deleted scenes activity

Sixth Grade (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.7):
Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they "see" and "hear" when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.

• Both activities for Fourth and Fifth work well for Sixth.

• When students compare and contrast specific character depictions, have them describe how they "heard" the characters when they read the novel. For example, we also learn in the book (through Justin) that Jack has a "low, gravelly voice" like one of the kids from the Little Rascals (p. 196). Did Jack's voice sound the same in the movie? Did it change the way they perceived Jack's character? 

Wonder book and movie character compare contrast activities

• Another activity that will allow students to analyze the movie depiction is asking themselves whether they think the author would approve of the movie? This allows them to think critically about both the text and the movie and whether the overall effect--with changes and all--made a difference or not.

Wonder book and movie digital and editable activities

Can't see the movie as a class or have students who missed out? No problem! If your students aren't able to see the movie, you can still use the movie trailers to do many of the activities. Click on the following links to see different trailers:

#ChooseKind Wonder Movie Trailer: Features Auggie, Isabel, Nate, Mr. Tushman, Julian, Charlotte, Jack, Summer, the Seventh Graders from camp, Mr. Browne, Via, Mr. Tushman  

"Inspiring" Wonder Movie Clip: Features Auggie, Isabel, Nate, Via, Jack, Mr. Browne, Daisy, Summer, Justin 

"Whispering" Wonder Movie Clip: Features Auggie, Isabel, Nate, and Via Pullman

"Toughest Kid" Wonder Movie Clip: Features Auggie, Summer, Julian, Jack, Charlotte, Via, Isabel, and Nate

"Precepts" Wonder Movie Clip: Features Mr. Browne, Julian, Charlotte, Jack, Summer

See ALL of the Lionsgate Wonder Clips Here

All of these activities can be found in my Wonder Book vs. Movie Activities pack. I offer them in ready-to-print PDF format AND in editable Google Slides format that you can customize for your students and print OR share digitally for a paperless activity. 

Wonder book and movie digital and editable activities

These can be found in my store by clicking on any of the linked images. I hope you enjoy the activities! 

Wonder book and movie comparisons activities

High School Halloween Costumes

High School Halloween Costumes

Does your high school celebrate Halloween with a dress-up day? Ours does, with contests (sponsored by Student Council) for the best costumes. We finish the day inviting the elementary to our gymnasium to parade through in all their costumes. Our principal gives them each a bag of treats as they exit the building. 

Deciding what to wear is always the hardest part for both teachers and students. Here are some of our favorite costumes from the last couple of years. 

Cards Against Humanity teacher group costume: What made this one even more fitting is that our mascot is a Cardinal. ;) 
Halloween group costume for teachers
Cards Against Humanity Teacher Group Costume
You can download a FREE editable template to make this costume here: FREE Cards Against Humanity Parody Costume

Characters from To Kill a Mockingbird teacher group costume: It depicts the characters as they were dressed on Halloween night in the novel.
To Kill a Mockingbird Halloween Group Costume
To Kill a Mockingbird characters from Halloween night
We have Aunt Alexandra, Scout (in her ham costume--made with chicken wire and paper mache), Jem, and Miss Maudie. Unfortunately, Boo, Atticus, and Bob Ewell all wimped out on us. 

Pokemon couple costume: It's Ash and Pikachu.
Halloween Pokemon couple costume: Ash and Pikachu
Pokemon Ash and Pikachu Halloween couple costume.

Oreo Cookie costume: Use two pieces of black poster board and white paint or marker.
Homemade Halloween costume: Oreo
Homemade Oreo Cookie Costume

Darla from "Finding Nemo": This cute costume is easy to make, especially if you have a goldfish. 
Halloween costume: Darla from Finding Nemo
 Homemade Darla from Finding Nemo Costume

"Napoleon Dynamite" group costume: The characters from "Napoleon Dynamite" include Deb, Pedro, Napoleon, and Uncle Ricco.
Halloween group costume: Napoleon Dynamite
Halloween group costume: Characters from Napoleon Dynamite

"Mean Girls" group costume: There's always at least one group that dresses up from the characters from "Mean Girls."
Mean girls group costume for Halloween
"Mean Girls" is always a favorite each year.

Wilson from "Home Improvement": This is a really easy costume to make for a guy. Just glue some popsicle sticks, wear a flannel or plaid shirt, and throw on a fishing hat.
Halloween costume: Wilson from Home Improvement
Wilson from "Home Improvement" homemade Halloween costume.

Snapchat Filter costume: It's usually pretty easy to find animal ears for this one.
Snapchat filter Halloween costume
Snapchat filter Halloween costume

Donald Trump costumes: We had a couple of these last year. I think they won for "Scariest Costume."
Trump Halloween costume
Donald Trump costumes.

Fork in the Road costume: Puns, idioms, and other figurative language examples are always clever and usually easy to pull off.
Fork in the Road homemade Halloween costume
Halloween costume: Fork in the Road

Kermit the Frog "But That's None of My Business" Meme: For a funny costume, you can always count on meme characters. Pair it with a caption that relates to your school. 
Kermit the Frog Meme Costume
"But that's none of my business" Kermit the Frog Meme costume.
The brothers from "Step Brothers": What made this couple costume even better is that these two are actually step brothers.
Halloween costumes: Step Brothers
These step brothers dressed up as the characters from "Step Brothers."

I hope you have a great Halloween!
Don't forget you can .
Cards Against Humanity Halloween Costume Template

You can find additional costume ideas on these old blog posts: Halloween at the High School, Hunger Games Favorite Costumes, and Favorite Pins of the Week 

English Teacher's Book Hop: The Hate U Give

I'm honored to be a part of Secondary Sara's English Teacher's Instagram Book Hop and to recommend Angie Thomas's book The Hate U Give.

When I first read The Hate U Give in February, I knew it was one that I would immediately recommend to my students. First of all, I couldn't put the book down unless I was grabbing for a tissue (you'll need them nearby for those gripping, gut-wrenching moments). Thomas is brilliant in telling a great story and moving it along at a good pace.

Second, I truly empathized with the characters. If you are human, you are going to feel something while reading this book. And I really think what we all need right now is to be able to empathize with those who we may see as different in order to understand each other more.

Third, this book seriously sparks great discussions in class. There is so much misinformation about the Black Lives Matter movement and protests; Thomas's novel helps explain things in a way that those not familiar with it (or those who have been misinformed) can understand. It also tackles stereotypes from all angles.

I can see using this novel for a whole-class read or as a student-choice novel. It could also be a companion to a book like To Kill a Mockingbird. There are so many non-fiction pieces that could be read with it.

I could go on and on, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. Write in the comments what you think of The Hate U Give, how you are using it in your classroom, or ideas you may have for incorporating it into your curriculum.

For additional book recommendations for English teachers, check out the hashtag #englishteacherbookrecs on Instagram.

And don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY to win Barnes & Noble gift cards! You can enter here:

Surviving Homecoming Week: Tips for Secondary Teachers

How to survive Homecoming week

For middle and high school teachers, Homecoming week seems like an endless struggle to get kids to focus in class while competing with pep assemblies, float building, dress-up days, hallway decorating, and last-minute dance preparations.

I've known teachers who took pleasure in punishing students with extra homework, tests/quizzes, and detentions just for being a little over excited. I've also known teachers who have a free-day every day and the kids have too much time on their hands and end up causing major discipline problems.

I think there's a happy medium. I try not to schedule homework during the week, but do have some productive class periods. Albeit, they are not as productive as in other weeks, but this is the ONE week students get to be kids and have fun, so I cut them some slack.

Valuable skills are practiced during Homecoming Week
And despite what some may think about Homecoming week becoming a lost week of learning, valuable learning is still taking place that might be even more essential in the workplace: students are learning how to work as a team on large-scale projects, leaders are being developed, negotiation and problem-solving skills are at their peak.

Over half of my years teaching I have been a class sponsor and have supervised more hours than I care to count (all unpaid). But one thing is certain: more students are able to participate in building these skills when they have a lighter homework load. Seeing students working together as classmates with only their pride on the line is a beautiful thing to witness.

To help your students participate in more activities, consider relaxing your regular curriculum for a day or two during the week with some creative activities. Don't worry, they will still practice learning skills. Here are a few to try:


BOARD GAMES: Playing games can be educational. I like to play word games like Scrabble and Boggle in class. You can set up stations and students can choose which game station they wish to participate. Taboo, Scattergories, Apples to Apples, Mad Gab, Pictionary, Bananagrams, etc.

OTHER GAMES: These games get students up out of their seats.

Heads Up: Make your own version with words related to your content area or a unit you are studying. One student must hold the card with the word on it and the rest of the class (or divide into teams) give clues so the one holding the card can guess the word.

Charades: Again, make your own prompts related to your content area or unit you are studying. Students act out the words/prompts for their classmates to guess.

Who Am I?: Perfect for reviewing people, events, even concepts or vocabulary words.

Never Have I Ever: As a way to review characters in a book or story or historical figures, have your students pretend to be characters and use events from the novel for prompts.

Students play Quizlet Live in class
Students play Quizlet Live in class.

ONLINE GAMES: If you teach in a 1:1 school, playing online games together can be fun. Plus, students love being competitive with one another. There's just something about a "game" that makes any type of review fun.

Kahoot: My students love playing Kahoot and searching the most popular games brings up fun topics like Disney movies, brain teasers, popular logos, name the celebrity, etc. You can also, of course, search in your content area for games. Students compete in various educational content areas (vocabulary, math, grammar, art history, geography, etc.) and raise $ to feed starving families at the same time.

Quizlet Live: Use your existing word lists for students to compete in live competitions with one another.

Socrative: No need to type in any questions; just read review questions, random trivia, homecoming-related questions, etc. Students compete live against each other.


WRITING PROMPTS: Writing shouldn't be boring or a chore. Make it more interesting by relating it to Homecoming.
• Have students journal about their favorite Homecoming festivities (dress-up days, assembly, skits, game, dance, etc.).

• Give them a prompt relating to the Homecoming theme (ex.: if the theme is related to fairy tales, ask them their favorite fairy tale or to come up with their own story; if it's a Western theme, ask them what life would be like if they lived in the Wild West; if it's about outer space, ask them if they would travel in space if they had the opportunity, etc.).

• One of my favorite short writing prompts is one I share free. I have my students do it several times throughout the year and they LOVE hearing what their classmates wrote. You can find it HERE and read more about it HERE and HERE.

Students creating found poems
Students create found poems in class.
FOUND POETRY: I keep a collection of words from my Magnetic Poetry Kit and cut from magazines, newspapers, posters, etc. I store them in little baggies that I hang on the inside of one of my cupboards. These come in handy so often. I love to have students create spur-of-the-moment poems relating to whatever we are reading or studying at the time. Use this activity during Homecoming week and have students create poems relating to the theme or whatever you wish.

BATTLE OF THE SEXES (Classroom Edition): If you aren't familiar with the party game "Battle of the Sexes," it is a game in which men and women compete against one another by answering questions that are stereotypically geared toward the opposite sex. I use this activity as a way to jump-start discussions on stereotyping at the beginning of the year. But I like to have my students come up with the questions themselves. It can take a while to compile enough questions for a full game, so I do carry over questions from year-to-year. This is a game that students usually beg to play throughout the year, so it's a perfect addition during Homecoming week.

I hope these activities help you get through Homecoming week and have some fun with your students. Just remember: learning doesn't always have to come from a book.

If you are a class sponsor, look for my next post about the best materials to use and how to keep your sanity while float building, assembly organizing, dance planning, and more.

Surviving Homecoming Week: Tips for secondary teachers

Asking Questions & Reusing Posts in Google Classroom™

Create Questions and Reuse Posts in Google Classroom™

How to Create Questions and Reuse Posts in Google Classroom™

This is the fourth blog post in my Google Classroom™ tutorial series. I sincerely hope my step-by-step directions and examples have helped you set up your own classes and assignments to use with your students. Google Classroom™ is an excellent way to share digital content and interact with students in a safe and secure way. If your school has not created a FREE G Suite for Education account yet, encourage your administration to do so. It is well worth it no matter if you are using Chrome Books, iPads, laptops, desktop PCs, or students are bringing their own devices. Google Classroom™ is available on both Android® and Apple®/iPhone™ platforms. 

Today I'm going to show you how to use the "Create question" and "Reuse post" options when you click (or hover over) the plus (+) sign in your class stream. 


The "question" feature in Google Classroom™ is a nice option when you want to survey or poll your students, start an online discussion, and/or check for understanding and comprehension.  It is a perfect tool to use for a bell ringer or exit slip (quick 5-minute assessments to refresh, review, quiz, and/or survey your students). The only drawback is you can only ask one question, so if you have additional questions you want to ask, use a form in Google Forms™ instead.

To create a question, hover over the plus (+) sign and select "Create question." A pop-up window will appear that looks like this:

Tutorial to create a question in Google Classroom™

You'll need to decide the following in the drop-down menus:
  2. Do you want to post the question to certain students or the entire class (if you are sharing with multiple classes, you must post to ALL students)?
  3. When is your due date? (If you are using this as a bell ringer or exit slip and you want it done before students leave your class, make sure to set the time as well as the date.)*
  4. Do you want to tag this question with a topic?

*If a student is absent, you can assign this question to that student only when he/she returns. You'll want to follow the "Reuse post" direction below to do that.

TIP: If you need a refresher for decisions 1-4, see my previous posts.

Next, you will want to decide the following:
  5. Is your question a short answer or multiple choice question?

  6. (For short answer questions only) Do you want students to respond to their classmate's answers or not? This is good if you want students to be able to share their thoughts for an online discussion-type question. However, if you are assessing them on what they know or remember, you will NOT want them to see other students' responses.

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Short-answer options when posting a question in Google Classroom™.

  7. (For short answer questions only) Do you want students to be able to edit their answers? If it's not an assessment, you should probably allow it. If it is an assessment, then you won't want them changing their answers after they've submitted them. (See below for the option that comes up if you choose a multiple choice question.) 

After you've made those decisions, go ahead and type your question. Here are a couple examples using both types of questions:

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Example of a short-answer question in Google Classroom™.

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Multiple choice options when posting a question in Google Classroom™.

When you choose multiple choice (above), you will be given numbered answer options. You will also be asked if you want your students to be able to see a summary of their classmates' responses.

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Decide whether or not you want students to see a summary of their classmates' responses.

Again, if you are assessing them, it's probably wise to turn that off. But if you would like for them to see the results (as a discussion starter or to see poll results), make sure to allow this. It will show them right in the post how other students have responded. 

Here's another example from the students' point-of-view:
Question responses in Google Classroom™
Students will see this when a multiple-choice question is asked.

Question responses in Google Classroom™
Students can see how their classmates answered and comment on the post.
Question responses in Google Classroom™
The teacher will see a summary of the students' responses in the left column.
Clicking on each student will show individual results.

TIP: If you wish to ask more than one question, use Google Forms™ rather than the "Create question" feature. In Google Forms™, you can ask multiple questions and even vary the question types (i.e. have a few short answer, a few multiple choice, and offer checkbox-style questions for multiple answers). Leave me a comment below if you'd like to see a tutorial on making a form to use in Classroom™.

Here's a video tutorial for creating a question in Google Classroom™:

Reusing a post means exactly what it says: you can choose to copy a previous post rather than retype it all over again. This comes in handy when you forget to share an assignment, announcement, or question with multiple classes. It's also handy for copying posts from year-to-year. Since you will want to create a new class each year, you can just use "Reuse post" to copy those same assignments you gave in previous years.

To do so, you just select the "Reuse post" when you hover over the plus (+) sign:

Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

A pop-up window will appear that asks you which post from the current class you'd like to reuse. You can select a post OR click on the arrow in the top left corner to select a different current or archived class.
Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

If you click on the arrow, it will take you to a list of all your current and archived classes:

Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

Once you select a class to choose from, you go back to a screen that shows all the posts from that class. If the post has an attachment, make sure to check the box in the lower left corner that says "Create new copies of all attachments." If you don't click that box, none of the attachments will be saved in your class folder in Google Drive™, nor will your students have their own copies of the attachments.
Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

When you select the post to reuse by clicking on the "REUSE" blue button, you are given the same type of options as normal for posting:

Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

You'll need to make the same decisions as you do with any normal posting. It will then appear as any other post in your class stream.

Here's a video tutorial for reusing a post:

Thank you for visiting. I hope my tips have been helpful for you and your students.
My next post will walk you through the "Calendar" and "To-Do" features in Google Classroom™.

If you have additional topics you'd like to see me cover, please comment below. 

Here are ALL of my Google Classroom™ posts:

Tips for secondary teachers on how you should set up your classes (pros and cons of having one Classroom per subject or one Classroom per class period).

Google Classroom Tips

Includes tips and tutorials for creating new classes; customizing the look of your classes; adding new materials/online text; adding students; and adding co-teachers, teacher aides, or access for special education teachers. 

Includes tips and tutorials for creating assignments, announcements, and topics. Also has tips on how to save and delay posting and collecting work for students.

Includes tips and tutorials for creating questions, the types of questions available (multiple choice & short answer), allowing students to interact and respond to one another, and how to easily reuse posts from class to class and year to year.

To see all my previous (and future) posts on navigating Google Classroom™, click below:

Google Classroom™ tips from a veteran teacher user

Google Classroom™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Brand Permissions. 

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