Solar Eclipse Activities for English Language Arts
If you're looking for some great ready-to-go (no prep needed) English language arts activities for tomorrow's solar eclipse, you can download them here:

Another activity is a great back-to-school get-to-know-you activity for learning more about your students; students will share various details about themselves and predict what they will be doing when the next total solar eclipse happens in America in 2024.
A third activity is a fun playlist your students can create to commemorate the eclipse.
One of the best things about these activities is if viewing the eclipse is a bust (it's cloudy, or raining, or the students aren't allowed to view it), students can still do all the activities! Actually, the responses may even be more comical if it is a bust. 😂

And because I want you to make sure you get your money's worth, I will update the activities after Monday to make them usable for ANY eclipse in the future. :)